Constitution of New Sussex Opera – Contents
1 Name page 1
2 National Location page 1
3 Objects page 1
4 Powers
5 Application of income and property page 1
6 Benefits and payments to charity trustees and connected persons page 2
- General provisions
- Scope and powers permitting trustees’ or connected persons’ benefits
- Payment for supply of goods only – controls
- Definitions
7 Conflicts of interest and conflicts of loyalty page 4
8 Liability of members to contribute to the assets of the CIO if it is wound up page 4
9 Membership of the CIO page 4
- Admission of new members
- Transfer of membership
- Duty of members
- Termination of membership
- Membership fees
- Patrons
- President
10 Members’ decisions page 6
- General Provisions
- Taking ordinary decisions by vote
- Taking ordinary decisions by written resolution without a general meeting
- Decisions that must be taken in a particular way
11 General meetings of members page 7
- Types of general meeting
- Calling general meetings
- Notice of general meetings
- Chairing of general meetings
- Quorum at general meetings
- Voting at general meetings
- Proxy voting
- Postal voting
12 Charity trustees page 13
- Functions and duties of charity trustees
- Eligibility for trusteeship
- Number of charity trustees
- First charity trustees
13 Appointment of charity trustees page 14
- Elected charity trustees
- Ex officio charity trustees
14 Information for new trustees page 15
15 Retirement and removal of trustees page 15
- Removal of a charity trustee
- Removal of a charity trustee
- Removal of a charity trustee
16 Reappointment of charity trustees page 16
17 Taking of decisions by charity trustees page 16
- Taking of decisions
18 Delegation by trustees page 16
- Delegation of powers
- Delegation of powers
19 Meetings and proceedings of charity trustees page 17
- Calling meetings
- Chairing of meetings
- Procedure at meetings
- Participation in meetings by electronic means
20 Saving provisions page 17
- Valid decisions
- Keeping of benefits by trustees
21 Execution of documents page 18
- Execution
- Execution
22 Use of electronic communications page 18
- General
- To the CIO
- By the CIO
23 Keeping of registers page 19
- appointments of officers made by the charity trustees;
- proceedings at general meetings of the CIO;
- meetings of the charity trustees and committees of charity trustees
- decisions made by the charity trustees otherwise than in meetings.
24 Minutes page 19
- appointments of officers made by the charity trustees;
- proceedings at general meetings of the CIO;
- meetings of the charity trustees and committees of charity trustees
- decisions made by the charity trustees otherwise than in meetings.
25 Accounting records, accounts, annual reports and returns, register maintenance page 19
- Compliance with the requirements of the Charities Act 2011 with regard to the keeping of records
- Obligation to inform the Commission of any change in the particulars of the CIO
26 Rules page 19
27 Disputes page 20
28 Amendment of constitution page 20
- Resolutions to amend the constitution
- Written consent of the Charity Commission.
- Valid amendment
- Registration of amendment
29 Voluntary winding up or dissolution page 20
- Dissolution by members of the CIO
- Payment of the CIO’s debts
- Requirements of the Dissolution Regulations
- Compliance with the Dissolution Regulations
30 Interpretation page 21